
What is Money?

Robert Breedlove's "What is Money?" is the rabbit that leads us down the proverbial rabbit hole. It is the most important question for finding truth in the world.

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What Bitcoin Did

The What Bitcoin Did Podcast is a tri-weekly Bitcoin podcast where host Peter McCormack interviews experts in the world of Bitcoin development, privacy, investment and adoption.

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Truth for the Commoner

Truth for the Commoner curates content that surfaces truth and provides actionable advice in a world filled with gaslighting and complaining.

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The Bitcoin Standard

'The Bitcoin Standard' is an enjoyable, well-written account of the economic theory and history behind Bitcoin.

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21 Lessons

As a bitcoiner and software engineer, writing words and code for Bitcoin. 21 Lessons is one of the most recommended books among bitcoiners for newcoiners.

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The Genesis Book

Bitcoin did not appear out of nowhere. For decades prior to Satoshi Nakamoto’s invention, a diverse group of computer scientists, privacy activists, and heterodox economists worked on the foundations.

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Why Bitcoin Only

The Why Bitcoin Only website is primarily composed of online articles, videos, and podcasts. It’s an encyclopaedia of due diligence.


Nakamoto Institute

The Satoshi Nakamoto Institute is eager to share with the world the best Bitcoin related ideas - past, present, and future in cryptography, distributed networks, economic freedom, and freedom of information.


BTC Lexicon

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